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Prepositions of Place


It is the word which usually comes before a noun or pronoun and tells us its relationship with other parts of the sentence.  

Preposition of Place: 

It is the preposition which is used for referring to a place where something or someone is located. 

Please take note of some important prepositions of place which are highlighted in the following sentences. 

* I will wait for her at the railway station. 

* Nivetha was born in Chennai.  

Bina comes from West Bengal.

Vijayawada lies on the Krishna.

Our house is beside the Post Office.

His house is between the SBI and the Supermarket.

The dog ran towards the thief.

The thief jumped over the wall to escape the dog.

Leela is leaning against the wall.

Jyothi lives in the apartment by the pond.

Their house is near The Dmart.

We were sitting around the table to count the notes.

The Government built a new bridge across that river.

I pasted a wall-paper above my computer table.

Swapna distributed sweets among her classmates on her birthday.

The student jumped off the school-bus to escape teasing.

Practice Bits:

Fill in the following blanks with appropriate prepositions. Two or more prepositions are possible in some blanks.  

1. Charminar is ______ Hyderabad. 

2. Chris is _______ the UK. 

3. There is big water tank ________my house and his. 

4. Hari's shop is standing ________ a big cinema theatre. 

5. The municipality built an overbridge ________ the road. 

6. They fixed a doorbell ________ the post-box. 


An excellent book on English Prepositions, Click here

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