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Degrees of Comparison ( Part – 1 )

Hello, we shall learn some Degrees of Comparison ( Part – 1 ) now.

Observe the following sentences :

Naveena is a tall girl.

Kavya is taller than Mounika.

Pooja is the tallest girl in the industry.

The adjectives change in form ( tall, taller and tallest ) to show comparison.

The adjective ‘tall’ is a Positive Degree.

‘taller’ is a Comparative Degree.

The adjective ‘tallest’ is a Superlative Degree.

Comparison Adjectives

1. Ending with ‘er’ and ‘est’

Positive        Comparative        Superlative

clever             cleverer                 cleverest

bold               bolder                     boldest

deep               deeper                    deepest

fast                faster                      fastest

high               higher                     highest

rich                richer                      richest

small             smaller                    smallest

sweet            sweeter                    sweetest

young           younger                   youngest

2. Ending with ‘r’ and ‘st’ ( adjectives ending with ‘e’ )

Positive      Comparative      Superlative

fine                finer                     finest

large               larger                  largest

pure                purer                   purest

noble              nobler                 noblest

rare                rarer                     rarest

3. Ending with ‘ier’ and ‘iest’ ( adjectives ending with ‘y’ )

Positive        Comparative        Superlative

heavy              heavier                 heaviest

lazy                 lazier                    laziest

tiny                  tinier                    tiniest

happy               happier                happiest

4. Ending with double consonant and ‘er’ and ‘est’

Positive           Comparative        Superlative

hot                    hotter                     hottest

fit                     fitter                       fittest

sad                   sadder                     saddest

dim                  dimmer                   dimmest

5. Ending with ‘more’ and ‘most’

Positive          Comparative           Superlative

foolish            more foolish              most foolish

 doubtful         more doubtful            most doubtful

  beautiful        more beautiful            most beautiful

splendid         more splendid            most splendid

6. Irregular comparisons.

       Positive        Comparative       Superlative

good                better                  best

  bad                  worse                  worst

much                more                    most

    far                    farther                  farthest

* We shall learn how to change a sentence from one degree to another degree in the second part of Degrees of Comparison.


Use appropriate degrees of comparison in the following blanks.

1. Gopi is a _________ (tall) boy.

2. Kavya is _________ (beautiful) girl in the class.

3. Geetha's project work is _________ (good) than Seetha's. 

4. This year is ________ (hot) year of this century. 

5. Vizag is _________ (far) than Vijayawada from here. 

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